Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Beauty Foods

When it comes to our hair, skin & nails it usually  shows directly how well our diet is affecting our outside body. When I have fresh fruit, and vegetables my hair feels strong and my skin is glowing. I can also tell when I've been overindulging in too much processed foods, based on my complexion and hair strands. 

I wanted to give to you some of the top ten "beauty foods". These foods are full of nutrients needed for clearer skin, healthier hair, brighter eyes and much more!

1) Lemon
Lemon has many health benefits, not just for your skin and hair! It's a natural detox which removes awful toxins from your body! Lemons are also known to help promote weight loss, and rid of bloating. Which is prefect if you are feeling puffy in your face. Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water and revitalize yourself. 

2) Edamame
Edamame is high in isoflavones, which help preserve skin-firming collagen. You can find Edamame at a sushi bar, so be sure to grab some to achieve young-looking, wrinkle free skin! Not a sushi fan? Grab some fresh ones at the store and dash a little bit of salt onto them for a tasty snack!

3) Cucumbers 
The flesh of cucumbers contains water along with ascorbic acid, (Vitamin C), and caffeine acid. Which all helps you heal irritated skin and reduce swelling. You commonly see it being put on eyes during a facial service, which is to help reduce the look of dark eye circles. Cucumbers can be enjoyed by itself for a snack or even in water! 

4) Wild Salmon
Wild Salmon is full of Omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps your skin supple and your hair shiny. Salmon also actually has UV protection in it from the mineral selenium. Vitamin D also keeps bones and teeth healthy too! Salmon can be cooked in the oven or even on the grill. Add some lemon zest for a tasty dinner!

5) Beets
Beets naturally flush out your lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body and brightens your eyes. Raw or roasted or even in a smoothie, these are a delicious super-food. (Sorry Dwight is hilarious)

6) Cilantro
Cilantro has the ability to remove heavy metals that remove enlarged fat cells from your body. Enlarged fat cells increase the appearance of cellulite. Cilantro is good to add to a salad if you want some zest, or can be added to a pasta dish.

7) Walnuts
The healthy fats in walnuts can keep your scalp and hair healthy. It can also make your skin supple and resilient to issues such as age spots. Walnuts can easily be added to yogurt for breakfast, or thrown into a salad. 

8) Tomatoes
Tomatoes have the best source of a powerful antioxidant, lycopene which fights against aging. Tomatoes are also rich in immune boosting Vitamin-C, which helps the body's natural healing of damaged or irritated skin. Chop some into your salad, or even add some onto your favorite pizza!

9) Blueberries
Blueberries are addicting. One of my favorite fruits(I find I can eat the whole container of them in a sitting). Luckily, it's full of wonderful antioxidants and vitamins such as A, C and E. Blueberries can help create a youthful, glowing skin, and can help diminish sun-damage. Not tot mention- they help control hormones. So goodbye to period induced breakouts and hello clear skin!

10) Water
H2O is everything when it comes to beauty. When you are dehydrated every inch of your body suffers- from your skin, hair, nails to your eyes. Water can get boring sometimes so I love mixing fruit with it (lemons, raspberries, blueberries etc.) Sometimes I'll even make a pitcher of water with fruits and let it sit in the fridge to really get a refreshing glass. The best part is you can be creative with it, and make your own favorite drinks and experiment! 

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