Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Wash Your Face!

If you sleep with makeup on it could lead to all sorts of problems! Read some of the side-effects to falling asleep with your makeup on #beauty #makeup #health:
We have all been there, you lay down in bed from a long day of work or school and you're tired. You don't want to get back up and wash off your makeup, so you don't. While that one night won't kill you, here's why you should not let your fierce face stay with you through the night. 

Clogs your pores.
While wearing makeup during the day is fine to pull your look together, at night is when you need to prepare your skin for a new day. While one night won't cause your face to break out in a million zits, if the habit continues you'll see it when you wake up!

Builds up on your sheets
Overtime all your eye-shadows, powders, mascaras will build up on your sheets. Soon enough this will lead to greasy skin, greasy hair and gross sheets!! Even if you wash your face nightly, be sure to either wash your pillows once a week or place a different towel over them nightly! This will dramatically change your skin!

Eye Irritation
Sleeping with mascara, and eyeliner can cause it to get into your eyes during beauty rest which can cause irritation. Some studies even show that mites can grow on your eyelashes from your mascara if not taken off daily! Gross!

Premature aging
We go through stress in our daily lives, and our face takes a toll with that. At night, you should allow your skin to breathe and rest up for the next day. When not allowed to breathe it can create more fine lines and wrinkles. You want to keep your skin looking young and beautiful, so wash nightly!!

If you are super tired, or you do the "oh, crap!!" in the middle of the night keep makeup remover wipes on your nightstand. My favorite is Neutrogena Naturals it's easy on my sensitive skin and my face feels refreshed!

P.S. If you have super stubborn mascara like I do, try Coconut Oil! I take smaller than a pea size and rub it on my lashes. Gets it right off! Plus, it makes my lashes feel super soft again. Double win! (: 

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